6 Tips and Solutions

for Succession Planning Best Practices

We have the tools at our disposal.

The bounty of technological innovation which defines our current era

can be leveraged to unleash human potential.

Klaus Schwab

b. 1938

Founder & Executive Chairman

World Economic Forum

Succession Planning: 

A Look Back, A Look Forward

Klaus Schwab, a self-made millionaire, remains a champion of global business organizations.  Schwab & Antrim Consulting share common goals:  we’re committed to “human potential!”

               In today’s turbulent and competitive business climate, faced with U.S. labor shortages[1], the most successful organizations are committed to retain their knowledge workers[2].  These organizations are committed to identify and develop their Successors – next Gen knowledge workers.  In doing so, they ensure a highly competitive workplace that meets customer demands and ensures a change-oriented workforce.  Antrim is committed to help your organization’s workforce become:

Developing your organization’s Succession Plan is essential.  A Succession Plan guarantees continuity in your organization’s leadership.

               Currently, American organizations are facing a highly competitive race to identify, train, and retain employees.  The biggest challenge is caused by the retirement of Boomers, your long-term knowledge workers. Some pundits refer to their retirements as a Silver Tsunami.  With their accumulated knowledge, they are, and have been, your organization’s assets for many decades.

However, a challenge is looming.  Boomer generation replacements, Gen Xers and Zs, are in short supply as a result of low birth rates for the past 20 years.[3]  The 2020 U. S. Census predicts that labor shortages will continue for the next two decades.

Statistics: Why Succession Planning is Important?

   Change is constant!  This is especially true when we look at current employment statistics:

  • “80% of senior and middle management positions in the federal government are eligible for retirement now.”[1]  While no definitive numbers for state and local government retirements were cited, Ibarra noted that “it is expected to be alarmingly high.”

  • Overall U.S. unemployment in January 2005 was 5.3%; in December 2023 it was only 3.7%.  This reflects an increase in jobs but with a seriously depleted labor pool.

               As retirements continue, employees will also require training in communication, team building, collaboration, conflict resolution, problem solving and Emotional Intelligence (EQ).  Training for the appropriate use and integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence) will rapidly become imperative.  Artificial Intelligence (AI) develops Human Intelligence (HI).

AI Isn’t Coming; It’s Arrived!

Your Future:  Successors With AI Knowledge!

               In the past, Succession Planning was viewed as an expense.  It must now be seen as essential to ensure workforce stability.  Succession Planning implementation will develop another generation of knowledge workers.  In turn, as Successors, they will impact your organization’s bottom line profitability.

4 Stages for Succession Planning Best Practices

1st Stage:  Assessment

  • Assess current & future needs & expected workforce retirement dates

  • Clarify job roles, tasks, responsibilities, and future skills sets

  • Determine staffing needs and expected expansion of services

2nd Stage:  Identify Future Successors

  • Interview current employees to determine interest in, and qualifications for, promotional opportunities

3rd Stage:  H.R. Leading the Way

  • Embed H.R. best practices in Talent Acquisition, Onboarding, DEIB, Benefits & Compensation

  • Build A.I. awareness and utilization to improve Human Intelligence

4th Stage:  Identify Your Succession Plan Leaders

  • Utilize your Real Change Leaders to act as mentors.  As middle and front line leaders they champion organizational change[5]

               Succession Plans do more than fill vacant positions.  It’s a process and focused method that aligns employee KSAs, talents, and aspirations to meet the evolving needs of your organization.

        Succession Plans continually assess and develop workforce behaviors and skills in many areas and are especially important when developing:

  • Collaboration

  • Change Management

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Communication

  • Future Think

Succession Plans Develop Today’s Talent for Tomorrow

6 Tips and Solutions for Succession Planning:  What Will It Take?

  1. Define Future Needs

  • Talent Acquisition + Onboarding + DEIB

  • Compensation & Benefits

  • Team Empowerment

  • Workplace Culture

2. Evaluate and Communicate Mission, Vision, and Values

3. Invest in Artificial Intelligence /Human Intelligence training

4. Implement Successor Mentor/Mentee coaching relationships

5. Ensure continued collaboration with your Successors

6. Utilize your Real Change Leaders:  RCLs take you where you want to go!

               Antrim’s 6 Tips for Succession Planning can be easily customized to your organization.  Successors are your future innovators.  Their long-term job commitment is your organization’s advantage during times of labor shortage.  Successors build long-term growth and stability.

Keep Your Future in Mind -- Aim High!

Additional Solutions for Succession Planning

For many decades, organizations have trained Boomers and have benefitted from their KSAs, (Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities). The Boomers have accumulated institutional knowledge during decades of long service.  Antrim believes that now is the time for your organization to ramp up your efforts to retain these knowledge workers.  Antrim suggests that your organization offer increased and flexible benefits, whenever possible.  These might include:

  • Option to work from home

  • Four day work week

  • Shorter on-site hours

  • Paid YMCA/health club memberships

  • Matching 401(k) and Roth IRAs

  • Company contributions to HSAs, whenever possible

  • 100% paid comprehensive health, dental, and vision plans

               Employees who are currently receiving Medicare benefits will appreciate your organization’s recognition of their services and the knowledge they bring to those who are now entering your workforce.

9 Tangible Benefits of Succession Plans

  1. Guarantees Strategic Plan Objectives are met

  2. Strengthens Mission, Vision, and Values

  3. Identifies future leaders

  4. Ensures business continuity

  5. Reduces workforce replacement expenses

  6. Boosts employee engagement and retention

  7. Increases knowledge and skills transfer

  8. Builds inter and intra-departmental collaboration

  9. Eliminates workplace disruption

Succession Plans don’t replace your current leadership

They ensure workforce continuity, expand market share, and long term service excellence

Why Antrim Consulting?

Implementing Succession Planning initiatives involves preparation and implementation time. Some business gurus suggest it takes years to develop high potential successors’ knowledge, skills, and abilities.

We, at Antrim Consulting, shorten that time with a highly disciplined and structured approach, using best practices for each client engagement. We provide immediate intra and inter-departmental impact. We begin by identifying and assessing your high potentials’ current competencies.

As we work with your identified successors, we rapidly close their skill gaps with new knowledge that is immediately put to use. Their new knowledge and skills will add value and immediately impact your business bottom line profitability and strengthen your workplace culture.

Using best practices, our customized Succession Plans initiatives will benefit and support your leaders’ research skills and help them acquire the tools and techniques used by successful global leaders.

At the same time, your identified high performers will develop and adopt leadership traits of collaboration, ethics, trust, and Emotional Intelligence.

Antrim Consulting aligns all Succession Plans to your Strategic Plan objectives, its mission, vision, and values.

Antrim’s commitment to your organization guarantee continued workforce innovation, performance, growth, and bottom-line profitability.

 Online &/or Onsite Coaching

Free 1 Hour Initial Consultation



[1] William H Frey, Analysis of 2020 U.S. Census, Brookings Metro, March 14, 2018, Revised, July 1, 2020

[2] The Landmarks of Tomorrow, Drucker, Peter, 1959, Heinemann, a division of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

[3] William H Frey, Analysis of 2020 U.S. Census, Brookings Metro, March 14, 2018, Revised, July 1, 2020

[4] Public Management, Ibarra, Patrick, January/February 2005, p.18-24

[5] Real Change Leaders, How You Can Create Growth and High Performance at Your Company, Katzenbach, Jon R., et al., Three Rivers Press, Random House, N.Y., 1995

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