10 Conflict Resolution Skills
Conflict is the arrow pointing to what
we need to learn the most
Kenneth Cloke
Mediators Beyond Borders
Conflict: we all experience it! It begins in childhood, continues through adolescence, and lasts into our adult lives. Conflict occurs when we least expect it. It’s inescapable. In fact, avoiding conflict may result in additional conflict! Recognizing and resolving conflict is essential for well-balanced personal and professional lives.
A few examples of unexpected daily conflict
Early morning child meltdowns
Traffic jams
Cranky boss
Personal and professional differences of opinion
Quiet Quitters
Co-worker absences
Sudden workplace or workforce crises
Conflict is unsettling
Resolving it offers a new beginning -- for everyone
Definition of Conflict and Its Causes
1a: a state of opposition or hostilities
2a: the clashing of opposing principles
3a: the opposition of incompatible wishes or needs in a person [1]
In Ancient Egypt, the word for conflict was repdat. On the island of Java, one of over 17,000 islands across Indonesia, conflict is referred to as konflik – very close to the Anglicized word! In Arab counties, the word revolves around honor and Islamic ethics.
Conflict has eroded relationships for centuries! It’s probably safe to say that, as a species, we’re not good at resolving conflict. Ignoring or hoping it will disappear won’t work.
Unresolved conflicts place an added burden on your workforce. It damages employee innovation, collaboration, and your organization’s culture. Ultimately, it results in lost productivity and job disengagement. All is avoidable.
Recent Business-related Conflict Statistics
In 2008, CPP, Inc. reported that: “U.S. employees spent approximately 2.1 hours per week involved in conflict, i.e., workplace disagreements, that disrupted the flow of work.”[2] Despite the time lapse, these findings should be given credence, given the current labor shortage , recent Pandemic-related workforce resignations, long-term absences, and deaths.
CPP found the level at which most conflict occurred was between “entry-level and front-line employes” (34% of respondents) but learned that conflict existed at senior levels. CPP’s research revealed one in eight employees (12%) reported recent disagreements among senior team members were frequent or continual.” The primary causes of workplace conflict were seen as personality clashes and warring egos (49%), followed by stress, (34%), and heavy workloads (33%).
CPP reported that America was not alone. Global workplace conflict grew rapidly in 2008. Brazilian workers reported a “clash of values” as a major cause of conflict (24%). In France, 36% of employees saw a lack of honesty as a key factor, compared with a global average of 26%.
The CCP Human Capital Report found that[3]:
85% of employees, at all levels, experienced conflict at some time in their work experience
34% of conflict occurred among front-line employees
29% experienced it almost constantly
27% said conflict led to personal attacks
12% observed it frequently among senior team members
9% felt it caused project failures
Antrim Consulting has observed other causes of workplace and workforce conflict:
Stress due to personal life challenges
Job-related demands
Failure to periodically assess workforce attitudes and culture
Failure to implement and infuse dynamic and sustaining DEI policies
Absence of skilled managers
Insufficient on-the-job training
Lack of job task and role clarity
Poor team communications
Personal clashes of egos and opinions
Workplace bullying, harassment, and/or discrimination
Whatever the causes, the soaring costs to workplace cultures and workforce performance are too high. Antrim Consulting believe workplace conflict – in any form – must be addressed and resolved the moment it is discovered.
Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution has been the subject of countless business articles. While workplace conflict will never disappear completely, it is incumbent upon senior management and key stakeholders to identify and end its negative impact.
Human Resource professionals play an essential role in the identification and resolution of workplace and workforce conflict. This is especially important in the early phases of Talent Acquisition and Onboarding. Your organization’s Employee Handbook should address conflict in clear terms. Antrim Consulting stands ready to revise your Employee Handbook and include updated federal and state employment regulations.
Resolving conflict should be of paramount importance at all times.
10 Conflict Resolution Skills
Antrim Consulting use the word resolution as a values-based approach to support collaboration and resolve conflict.
Respect the right to disagree – avoid feeling immediately defensive when others don’t share your views
Express your real concerns – conflicts differ in importance. Do your best to share what concerns you the most
Share your common goals and interests early on in a conversation
Open yourself to different points of view
Listen carefully to all proposals to resolve the conflict(s)
Understand major issues involved
Think about probable consequences caused by the conflict(s)
Imagine several possible alternatives
Offer reasonable compromises
Negotiate mutually fair cooperative agreements to end the conflict(s)
Lastly, Antrim Consulting are aware that conflict will emerge from time to time. Management’s task is to remain vigilant for conflict which caused by flawed workplace processes and/or procedures. Here’s your opportunity for job redesign! Stated simply: workplace or workforce conflict creates disruption. Disruption diminishes workforce performance and lowers business profitability!
Resolving conflict restores stability to your system
At Antrim Consulting we listen carefully and use data-driven tools to identify causes of conflict. Then, we collaborate with you and customize solutions for long-term benefits.
Our on-site workshops and one-on-one coaching sessions provide Conflict Resolution tools and techniques. Our goal is to help your key stakeholders recognize conflict and end its damaging effects. We aim to oxygenate your culture and increase your organization’s bottom-line profitability!
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